Only runs from 23-12-2023 to 16-03-2024, except where noted

Direction: Someda - Moena - Lusia Impianti/Lifts - San Pellegrino Impianti/Lifts

Forno Bar Giardino B 08:10 - -
Moena Someda 08:20 09:20 13:32
Moena Pezzè A 08:23 09:23 13:35
Moena Piazza Ramon square A 08:27 09:27 13:39
Moena h. Dolomiti A 08:28 09:28 13:40
Moena Navalge A 08:29 09:29 13:41
Moena h. Active Alm A 08:31 09:31 13:43
Moena Lusia Ronchi A 08:38 09:38 13:50
Alochet Centro Fondo/Cross Country Center A 08:48 09:48 13:57
Costabella Impianti/Lifts 08:51 09:51 14:00
Cima Uomo Impianti/Lifts A 08:52 09:52 -
Col Margherita Impianti/Lifts 08:53 09:53 -

Direction: San Pellegrino Impianti Lifts - Lusia Impianti/Lifts - Moena - Someda

Col Margherita Impianti/Lifts 13:00 15:37 16:37
Cima Uomo Impianti/Lifts B 13:01 15:38 16:38
Costabella Impianti/Lifts 13:02 15:39 16:39
Alochet Centro Fondo/Cross Country Center B 13:06 15:43 16:42
Impianti/Lifts Lusia B 13:13 15:50 16:52
Moena Lusia Ronchi B 13:14 15:51 16:53
Moena h. Active Alm B 13:20 15:57 16:59
Moena Navalge B 13:22 15:59 17:01
Moena h. Dolomiti B 13:24 16:01 17:03
Moena Piazza Ramon square B 13:26 16:03 17:05
Moena Pezzè B 13:28 16:05 17:07
Moena Someda 13:30 16:07 17:09
Forno Bar Giardino A - 16:16 17:18

  • X From 30/06 to 07/09
  • Y It stops in Vigo Piazza G.B. Massar